The three day Face construction course has just been completed with very favorable reviews. The course was attended by 6 consultants, 5 trainees and one sculptor. The faces created can be viewed in the gallery section - Fatima Kahn won the vote for the best sculpture. There were some subtle developments from the previous course- the wax was tinted, so no painting was required. The vessels and nerves of the face were constructed using prefabricated threaded and coloured wax, which facilitated speedier assembly and allowed for exquisite detailing ( as with the hand course). On the final day, sculptural modelling of a live subject, using hair for scalp, eyelids and eyebrows , as well as a choice of skin colours, completed the course on a creative high note. 
The course was attended by two enthusiastic and supportive medical students, as participant/ observers, who wish to run the course in Scotland! A flyer for this course is attached to this blog. 
I have decided to hold the course yearly , with the next and similar course to be held at the same venue and approximate time ( September) in 2020. Experience has taught me that numbers need to be limited- 12 is the maximum - and I would suggest therefore an early reservation for a place. 
I am however in the process of planning a full figure sculpture course in summer next year. This will involve the construction of the skeletal musculature of a quarter size human figure, on a posed and mounted skeletal armature. Candidates will be allowed to choose from a limited range of skeletal postures. This will need to occur well before the course, to allow for fabrication of the armature. It will be a three day course, with time allocated to limb and trunk musculature, and finally skin application if so wished. 
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